Ap Tuner 3.08 Serial Number VERIFIED
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This page describes the configuration file for the Hercules S/370,ESA/390, and z/Architecture emulator.The configuration file hercules.cnf contains theprocessor and device layout. It is roughly equivalent to the IOCDS ona real System/390. The configuration file is an ASCII text file.Example configuration filePlease note that the below example configuration file should notbe considered a good example of what an actual configuration filelooks like. It is only meant to illustrate what someof the supported configuration file statements look likeand how they are used. #################################################################### # HERCULES EMULATOR CONTROL FILE # # (Note: not all parameters are shown) # #################################################################### # # System parameters # ARCHMODE ESA/390 OSTAILOR OS/390 LOADPARM 0120.... CPUSERIAL 000611 CPUMODEL 3090 CPUVERID FD LPARNAME HERCULES LPARNUM 21 MODEL EMULATOR PLANT ZZ MANUFACTURER HRC MAINSIZE 64 XPNDSIZE 0 NUMCPU 1 NUMVEC 1 MAXCPU 8 ENGINES CP SYSEPOCH 1900 YROFFSET -28 TZOFFSET -0500 HTTPROOT /usr/local/share/hercules/ HTTPPORT 8081 NOAUTH CCKD RA=2,RAQ=4,RAT=2,WR=2,GCINT=10,GCPARM=0,NOSTRESS=0,TRACE=0,FREEPEND=-1 SHRDPORT 3990 PANTITLE \"My own private MAINFRAME!\" PANRATE FAST LOGOPT TIMESTAMP CODEPAGE default CNSLPORT 3270 CONKPALV (3,1,10) LEGACYSENSEID OFF HERCPRIO 0 TODPRIO -20 DEVPRIO 8 CPUPRIO 15 TIMERINT DEFAULT TODDRAG 1.0 DEVTMAX 8 DIAG8CMD disable SHCMDOPT disable DEFSYM TAPEDIR \"$(HOME)/tapes\" AUTOMOUNT $(TAPEDIR) AUTOMOUNT +/tapes AUTOMOUNT -/tapes/vault MODPATH /usr/local/hercules LDMOD dyncrypt PGMPRDOS restricted ECPSVM no ASN_AND_LX_REUSE disable AUTO_SCSI_MOUNT no MOUNTED_TAPE_REINIT allow INCLUDE mydevs.cfg IGNORE INCLUDE_ERRORS INCLUDE optdevs.cfg # # Device statements # 0009 3215-C / 000A 1442 adrdmprs.rdr 000C 3505 jcl.txt ascii trunc 000D 3525 pch00d.txt ascii 000E 1403 prt00e.txt noclear 001E 1403 sockdev 001F 3270 * 0200.4 3270 * 0220.8 3270 GROUP1 0228.8 3270 GROUP2 0230.16 3270 0000 SYSG SYSGCONS 0120 3380 ${DASD_PATH=dasd/}mvsv5r.120 0121 3380 ${DASD_PATH=dasd/}mvsv5d.121 0122 3380 ${DASD_PATH=dasd/}mvswk1.122 0123 3380 0140 3370 dosres.140 0141 3370 syswk1.141 0300 3370 sysres.300 0400 CTCT 30880 30880 2048 0401 CTCT 30881 30881 2048 0420.2 CTCI 0440.2 LCS -n /dev/net/tun 0E40 CTCE 31880 32880 0E41 CTCE 31882 32882 0580 3420 /dev/nst0 # SCSI (Linux or Windows) 0581 3420 \\\\.\\Tape0 # SCSI (Windows only) 0582 3420 ickdsf.aws noautomount 0583 3420 /cdrom/tapes/uaa196.tdf 0584-0587 3420 $(TAPEDIR)/volumes.$(CUU) maxsizeM=170 eotmargin=131072 0590 3480 /dev/nst0 --no-erg --blkid-32 # Quantum DLT SCSI 0023 2703 lport=3780 rhost=localhost rport=3781 dial=no 00C3 2703 lport=32003 dial=IN tty=1Comment lines Blank lines, and lines beginning with a # sign or an asterisk, are treated as comments. System parameters System parameters may appear in any order but they must precede all device statements. Each system parameter must be on a separate line. The following system parameters may be specified:ARCHMODE S/370 ESA/390 z/Arch ESAME specifies the initial architecture mode: use S/370 for OS/360, VM/370, and MVS 3.8. use ESA/390 for MVS/XA, MVS/ESA, OS/390, VM/ESA, VSE/ESA, Linux/390, and ZZSA. use z/Arch or ESAME for z/OS and zLinux. ESAME is a synonym for z/Arch. When z/Arch or ESAME is specified, the machine will always IPL in ESA/390 mode, but is capable of being switched into z/Architecture mode after IPL. This is handled automatically by all z/Architecture operating systems. ASN_AND_LX_REUSE DISABLE ENABLE specifies that the ASN-and-LX-Reuse Facility (ALRF) is to be disabled or enabled. The default is disabled. This is a z/Architecture-only feature (it is always disabled for S/390 or ESA/390). Set this to ENABLE if the operating system supports this z/Architecture feature and the use of this feature is desired. Set it to DISABLE or do not specify anything if the operating system doesn't support this feature, and it inadvertently sets CR0 bit 44 to 1, usually leading to unexpected program interrupt when instructions such as LASP are issued. ASN_AND_LX_REUSE may be abbreviated as ALRF AUTOMOUNT []directory specifies the host system directory where the guest is allowed or not allowed to automatically load virtual tape volumes from. Prefix allowable directories with a '+' plus sign and unallowable directories with a '-' minus sign. The default prefix if neither is specified is the '+' plus sign (i.e. an allowable directory). Caution: Enabling this feature may have security consequences depending on which allowable host system directories you specify as well as how your guest operating system enforces authorized use of the Set Diagnose (X'4B') channel command code. All host system virtual tape volumes to be \"automounted\" by the guest must reside within one of the specified allowable host system directories or any of its subdirectories while not also being within any of the specified unallowable directories or any of their subdirectories, in order for the guest-invoked automount to be accepted. Note: specifying a disallowed automount directory does not preclude the Hercules operator from manually mounting any desired file via the devinit panel command -- even one in a currently defined \"disallowed\" automount directory. The AUTOMOUNT statement only controls guest-invoked automatic tape mounts and not manual tape mounts performed by the Hercules operator. All directories must be specified on separate statements, but as many statements as needed may be specified in order to describe the desired allowable/unallowable directories layout. For convenience, an automount panel command is also provided to dynamically add/remove new/existing allowable/unallowable automount directories at any time. The automount feature is activated whenever you specify at least one allowable or unallowable directory. If only unallowable directories are specified, then the current directory becomes the only defined allowable automount directory by default. All specified directories are always resolved to fully-qualified absolute directory paths before being saved. Refer to the description of the virtual tape device 'noautomount' option for more information. AUTO_SCSI_MOUNT NO YES nn specifies whether automatic detection of SCSI tape mounts are to be enabled or not. Specifying NO or 0 seconds (the default) indicates the option is disabled, forcing all SCSI tape mounts to be done manually via an appropriate devinit command. A value from 1 to 99 seconds inclusive enables the option and causes periodic queries of the SCSI tape drive to automatically detect when a new tape is mounted. Specifying YES is the same as specifying 5 seconds, the current default interval. The scsimount panel command may also be used to display and/or modify this value on demand once Hercules has been started. Note too that the scsimount panel command also lists any mounts and/or dismounts that may still be pending on the drive, as long as you've defined your tape drive as a model that has an LCD \"display\" (such as a model 3480, 3490 or 3590). Note: enabling this option may cause Hercules to take longer to shutdown depending on the value specified for this option as well as how the host operating system (Windows, Linux, etc) and associated hardware (SCSI adapter) behaves to drive status queries for drives which do not have any media currently mounted on them. CCKD cckd-parameters The CCKD command and initialization statement can be used to affect cckd processing. The CCKD initialization statement is specified as a Hercules configuration file statement and supports the same options as the cckd panel command. Refer to the Compressed Dasd Emulation web page for more information. CODEPAGE mapping specifies the codepage conversion mapping table used for ASCII/EBCDIC translation. default specifies traditional Hercules codepage mapping. Other supported codepage mappings are: Mapping Description ASCII EBCDIC 437/037 437 PC United States 037 United States/Canada 437/500 437 PC United States 500 International 437/1047 437 PC United States 1047 Open Systems Latin 1 819/037 819 ISO-8859-1 037 United States/Canada 819/037v2 819 ISO-8859-1 037 United States/Canada version 2 819/273 819 ISO-8859-1 273 Austria/Germany 819/277 819 ISO-8859-1 277 Denmark/Norway 819/278 819 ISO-8859-1 278 Finland/Sweden 819/280 819 ISO-8859-1 280 Italy 819/284 819 ISO-8859-1 284 Spain 819/285 819 ISO-8859-1 285 United Kingdom 819/297 819 ISO-8859-1 297 France 819/500 819 ISO-8859-1 500 International 819/1047 819 ISO-8859-1 1047 Open Systems Latin 1 850/273 850 PC Latin 1 273 Austria/Germany 850/1047 850 PC Latin 1 1047 Open Systems Latin 1 1252/037 1252 Windows Latin 1 037 United States/Canada 1252/037v2 1252 Windows Latin 1 037 United States/Canada version 2 1252/1047 1252 Windows Latin 1 1047 Open Systems Latin 1 1252/1140 1252 Windows Latin 1 1140 United States/Canada with Euro Iconv single byte codepages may also be used (e.g. UTF8/EBCDIC-CP-NL) if the host environment supports iconv. If no codepage is specified then the environment variable HERCULES_CP will be inspected. The default codepage mapping is default. CNSLPORT nnnn specifies the port number (in decimal) to which tn3270 and telnet clients will connect. The CNSLPORT statement may also have the form of host:port, where the telnet console server will bind to the specified address. CONKPALV (idle,intv,count) specifies the tn3270 console and telnet clients keep-alive option values that control automatic detection of disconnected tn3270/telnet client sessions. idle specifies the number of seconds of inactivity until the first keep-alive probe is sent (idle time until first probe, or probe frequency). intv specifies the interval in seconds betw