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In addition to approaching policy with both racial and gender equity in mind, considering other factors that create barriers for safety and well-being is important, too. While Black girls are suspended from school at higher rates than girls of any other race or ethnicity, LGBTQ+ students, especially those who are transgender or who have disabilities, are also more likely than their non-LGBTQ+ peers to receive detention, suspensions, and expulsions from school, often as a result of discrimination and harassment. And harmful school discipline policies are further compounded for LGBTQ+ students of color and with disabilities.
1. If on a highway having at least four lanes with at least two lanes proceeding in the same direction as the approaching vehicle, proceed with due caution and if possible, with due regard to safety and traffic conditions, yield the right-of-way by making a lane change into a lane not adjacent to that of the stationary vehicle.
However, demand is approaching the supply limits of the most-used wastes and residues. Nevertheless, markets are dynamic. High prices are a signal to seek out new supplies, which is prompting the development of government programmes and industry innovation to help avoid the crunch.
With summer approaching, we can expect to see more people swimming in public pools, lakes, and beaches, as well as enjoying other activities like boating, surfing, and fishing. As the weather warms, state and territorial health agencies (S/THAs) prepare to address a rise in public health risks associated with recreational water activities. For many states and territories, these risks include water-related injury, drowning, waterborne disease outbreaks, and exposure to harmful algae or cyanobacteria. 59ce067264